Homemade Toothpaste - For some people will assume that the product is toothpaste only on production by the company. But do you know if toothpaste also we can create your own easily at home.
As for some way to make toothpaste, among them:
- How to make toothpaste from egg shells
- How to make toothpaste natural herbal ingredients
- How to make toothpaste from strawberry
- How to make lemon toothpaste and salt
- How to whiten teeth in traditional and many more sites that explain about pambuatan own good toothpaste containing chemicals sepery baking soda or use natural herbal ingredients.
This time we will discuss how to make Toothpaste that later can add insight for those of you who want to maintain the health and integrity of the body with care naturally. Moreover, health and beauty products are already commonplace contain chemical substances harmful to health, one of them is toothpaste. If you got to see the basic ingredients of toothpaste that you use, you'll find the fluoride in it. Flouride is very dangerous to yourself because this one substance could lead to you getting cancer and thyroid disease. Then the solution precisely when brushing your teeth don't get swallowed up.
In addition, existing commercial toothpastes contain Sodium Lareth Sulphate (SLS) known as the agent producing foam and still includes the types of pesticides. In addition it can irritate the gums and mouth, Sodium Lareth Sulphate (SLS) can also be bad for health if used in the long term. But don't khawati we give the solution how to make natural toothpaste.
How to make toothpaste from egg shells
Take advantage of the egg shells to make Natural Toothpaste
In addition to the tasty eggs consumed, also very nutritious because it contains high amounts of protein, calcium and minerals are much needed by the body. But few people know the benefits of the Peel, most of them will instantly discard to garbage cans after eating the contents of their eggs. Did you know, egg shell contains 90% pure source of calcium that is very good for bone health and body. Even the source of calcium on egg shells are chemically almost similar to calcium that forms human bones and teeth.
In this article, we will be utilizing the egg shells to make toothpaste (odol) that have special effects can reinforce tooth layer so that it is not prone to brittleness and breakage. The teeth are basically composed of calcium. While the odol is also made of the main sources of calcium and minerals, namely, egg shells, which will naturally help protect and strengthen the structure of the tooth. By Kampungbaca.com
According to a scientific study conducted by 2015 and noted in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, mentioned that eggshells can provide a good source of minerals to strengthen tooth enamel. Then how do I make the egg shells of the odol, following step – stride: By Kampungbaca.com
First, Cook until done twelve eggs with boiling water. Then Peel and grab her skin only, then crushed or milled to a fine powder as flour. Input the egg shells to the ground last into a container or dish, then add 1 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of baking soda (baking soda) and 1 drop of pure essential oils. Stir stir briefly – all ingredients and store in a glass jar or bottle as supplies a day – day.
Use toothpaste as a regular toothpaste to brush your teeth every morning. You will feel the difference in the span of less than one month.
How to make toothpaste natural herbal ingredients
How to make toothpaste naturally:
Materials needed:
- Banana oil: 10 cc
- Pepermint oil: 2 cc
- Magnesium carbonat: 100 grams
- Sugar-gleserin: 250 grams
- Sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium/: 50 grams
How to make toothpaste naturally as follows:
Create a solution for the toothpaste by means of mixing a solution of sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium/sugar-gleserin on a container that has been provided while stirring until evenly distributed.
Then create a second solution dissolve way magnesium carbonat with pepermint oil in another container.
The first solution above then combine with the second solution, little by little while continuing to stir until evenly distributed.
If the solution is already thickened and smooth then add oil into the solution of pisang ambon while continuing to stir until completely smooth and evenly and is shaped like a paste.
If you want to have a clean, healthy teeth as well as white. It could also be combined with Whitelight Tooth Whitening.
How to use natural toothpaste:
Moisten the brush, take natural toothpaste, rub it on the teeth, gargle to clean. How, Make? It should please the tutorial and recipe making this toothpaste filling a day off later.
How to make toothpaste from strawberry
Only two ingredients are needed to make a simple teeth whitening that is strawberry and baking soda. Strawberries contain Malic acid, which can help remove the stain and remove some of the buildup of plaque. Meanwhile, the sodium bicarbonate in baking soda can help remove stains on the surface of the tooth.
A mixture of strawberries and the baking soda will probably make you imagine as you are ready to bake something delicious like strawberry cake or pie. But this time you're not going to make a cake or other kinds of food, but rather will make a toothpaste that can whiten your teeth using baking soda and strawberry.
Knowing how to whiten teeth with baking soda, strawberry and you don't need to visit your dentist every day and certainly more can save your finances.
The following tips and how to manufacture of strawberry toothpaste and baking soda.
Materials needed:
- 1 strawberry (puree)
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- brush your teeth
How to make a strawberry toothpaste:
Take a small container or a place to put a strawberry that was already destroyed and baking soda. After that combine both of these materials. Ready to use. Brush your teeth for a few minutes. When you're done proceed with brushing teeth using toothpaste that you normally use.
Do not brush your teeth for too long by using the strowberry and soda.
Rinse your mouth and continue brushing teeth using toothpaste.
Dental floss can also be used to remove Strawberry seeds stuck in between your teeth.
Do not use this method too frequently (consider once or twice per month), as it may be too hard on tooth enamel and don't use too much.
Talk with your dentist if you have a problem or to determine what method of whitening that is best for you.
Show off your beautiful smile!